
CS代写 第11页

全方位C++代写服务, C++代写靠谱吗?



C++ 是一种功能强大的通用编程语言。可用于开发操作系统、浏览器、游戏等。C++ 支持不同的编程方式,如过程式、面向对象、函数式等。这使得 C++ 强大且灵活。熟悉了C++之后,学习Java、Python等其他编程语言也会容易很多。C++ 可以帮助您了解计算机的内部架构,计算机如何存储和检索信息。而且,C++应用广泛,不过难度也较大,很多同学尝试啃这个“硬骨头”大多均匀以失败告终。但是无论你在学习C++语言遇到任何问题,我们都能为你完美解决。

– 函数:函数是一组语句,用于一起执行任务。每个C++程序至少有一个函数。
– 数组:数组是一种数据结构,用于存储相同类型的元素的固定大小的有序集合。
– 字符串:字符串是以空字符’\0’结尾的一维字符数组。
– 指针:指针是其值为其他变量地址的变量。指针有助于更轻松地执行C++任务,没有它们就无法完成某些任务。
– 引用:引用是一个别名,是已经存在的变量的另一个名称。如果使用变量初始化引用,则可以互换使用该变量的名称和引用名称来引用该变量。
– 类和对象:类是C++的一个关键特性,用于将数据表示和用于操作该数据的方法组合到一个包中,以指定对象的形式。一个类提供了创建对象的模板。
– 多态性:多态性意味着具有多种形式。在C++中,这意味着调用一个函数来执行不同的函数,具体取决于调用该函数的对象的类型。
第三步:将 C++ 知识付诸实践
学习了一些 C++ 编程技能后,是时候好好利用它们了。一种方法是通过一个项目来了解语言的各个方面是如何结合在一起的。有许多基于 Web 的项目创意资源,例如编写简单的游戏。还有许多 C++ 兴趣和应用的在线社区,因此您可以与爱好者和兼职程序员互相交流。
第四步:深入学习高级 C++
中级和高级 C++ 编程建立在基础之上,并为程序员提供了一系列工具。在中级水平,程序员需要了解引用和指针是如何工作的。支持最强大的 C++ 函数的其他核心概念是对象生命周期和多态性。对这些概念以及如何创建和使用库函数的深刻理解将使程序员走上学习高级技术的道路。




留学Computer Scinece专业,搞不定Java编程作业?java作业代做网站了解下!接触过CS专业的同学都知道编程的痛苦,一遍遍写作、运行、修改以及通宵找bug加各种testing都是家常便饭。Cscodinghelp平台集合世界名校最专业的Java编程导师团队,为你提供最专业的CS作业代写服务。





Java是一门面向对象编程语言,不仅吸收了C++语言的各种优点,还摒弃了C++里难以理解的多继承、指针等概念,因此Java语言具有功能强大和简单易用两个特征。Java语言作为静态面向对象编程语言的代表,极好地实现了面向对象理论,允许程序员以优雅的思维方式进行复杂的编程。 Java具有简单性、面向对象、分布式、健壮性、安全性、平台独立与可移植性、多线程、动态性等特点。Java可以编写桌面应用程序、Web应用程序、分布式系统和嵌入式系统应用程序等。

Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals
Object Oriented Programming in Java
Object Oriented Java Programming: Data Structures and Beyond
Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software
Parallel, Concurrent, and Distributed Programming in Java
Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot
Java and Spring Cloud
Java Fundamental Concepts
Introduction to Java Programming: Starting to code in Java
Data Structures and Software Design
Build lists of data with Java arrays and ArrayLists
Conditionals and control flow in Java programs.
Introduction to Java Programming: Writing Good Code




Java作业代写 课程

  1. Java基础 (Java Fundamentals): Java基础课程介绍Java编程语言的基本语法、数据类型、控制流程等内容,为学习更高级的Java编程打下基础。
  2. 面向对象编程 (Object-Oriented Programming in Java): 面向对象编程课程探讨Java中的面向对象编程思想,包括类、对象、继承、多态等概念及其在实际编程中的应用。
  3. Java集合框架 (Java Collections Framework): Java集合框架课程介绍Java中的集合类库,如列表、集合、映射等数据结构及其相关算法和应用。
  4. 异常处理 (Exception Handling): 异常处理课程讲解Java中的异常处理机制,包括异常类的层次结构、异常处理语句及其在编程中的应用。
  5. 多线程编程 (Multithreading in Java): 多线程编程课程研究Java中的多线程编程技术,包括线程的创建、同步、通信等内容,以及多线程编程的最佳实践。
  6. 图形用户界面 (Graphical User Interface in Java): 图形用户界面课程介绍使用Java编写GUI应用程序的方法和技巧,包括Swing和JavaFX等GUI工具包的使用。
  7. 网络编程 (Network Programming in Java): 网络编程课程研究Java中的网络通信技术,包括Socket编程、URL处理、HTTP通信等内容,以及网络应用程序的开发。
  8. 数据库连接 (Database Connectivity in Java): 数据库连接课程介绍Java与数据库的交互技术,包括使用JDBC进行数据库访问、SQL查询等内容,以及数据库应用程序的开发。
  9. Web开发基础 (Java Web Development Basics): Web开发基础课程讲解Java Web开发的基本概念和技术,包括Servlet、JSP等技术的使用和Web应用程序的部署。
  10. 企业级应用开发 (Enterprise Application Development in Java): 企业级应用开发课程研究使用Java EE技术进行企业级应用开发的方法和技巧,包括EJB、JPA、Spring等技术的使用和应用程序的部署。
  11. Java编程实践与项目开发 (Java Programming Practice and Project Development): Java编程实践与项目开发课程注重实践操作和项目实践,通过完成项目案例,帮助学生将所学知识应用到实际项目中。
  12. 移动应用开发 (Mobile Application Development): 移动应用开发课程介绍使用Java开发移动应用程序的技术和工具,包括Android开发平台的使用和移动应用的设计与开发。
  13. 安全编程实践 (Secure Coding Practices): 安全编程实践课程重点讲解Java中的安全编程技术,包括防范常见安全漏洞、加密与解密、安全认证等内容。
  14. 性能优化与调试技术 (Performance Optimization and Debugging Techniques): 性能优化与调试技术课程探讨Java程序的性能优化和调试技术,包括性能监控、性能调优和故障排除等内容。
  15. 分布式系统开发 (Distributed Systems Development): 分布式系统开发课程介绍使用Java开发分布式系统的技术和架构,包括分布式计算、消息队列、微服务等内容。
  16. 云计算与大数据应用 (Cloud Computing and Big Data Applications): 云计算与大数据应用课程研究Java在云计算和大数据领域的应用,包括云平台的开发和大数据处理技术。
  17. 人工智能与机器学习 (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning): 人工智能与机器学习课程介绍Java在人工智能和机器学习领域的应用,包括机器学习算法、深度学习框架等内容。
  18. 区块链开发 (Blockchain Development): 区块链开发课程讲解Java在区块链领域的应用,包括智能合约、去中心化应用开发等内容。
  19. 物联网应用开发 (Internet of Things Application Development): 物联网应用开发课程介绍使用Java开发物联网应用的技术和方法,包括传感器网络、数据采集和远程控制等内容。
  20. 自然语言处理 (Natural Language Processing): 自然语言处理课程探讨Java在自然语言处理领域的应用,包括文本处理、语言模型、情感分析等技术。
  21. 游戏开发 (Game Development): 游戏开发课程介绍使用Java进行游戏开发的技术和工具,包括游戏引擎的使用、游戏设计原理和实践等内容。
  22. 人机交互设计 (Human-Computer Interaction Design): 人机交互设计课程研究Java在人机交互领域的应用,包括用户界面设计、交互设计原理和用户体验评估等内容。
  23. 金融科技应用 (Financial Technology Applications): 金融科技应用课程介绍Java在金融科技领域的应用,包括金融数据分析、交易系统开发和量化投资等技术。
  24. 人工智能伦理与法律 (Ethics and Law in Artificial Intelligence): 人工智能伦理与法律课程探讨Java在人工智能领域的伦理和法律问题,包括数据隐私、算法公正性和知识产权等议题。
  25. 云原生应用开发 (Cloud-Native Application Development): 云原生应用开发课程介绍使用Java开发云原生应用的技术和最佳实践,包括容器化部署、微服务架构和持续集成/持续部署等内容。
  26. 跨平台开发 (Cross-Platform Development): 跨平台开发课程研究Java在跨平台应用开发中的应用,包括使用Java开发桌面应用程序、移动应用程序和Web应用程序的技术。
  27. 可视化数据分析 (Visual Data Analysis): 可视化数据分析课程介绍使用Java进行数据可视化的技术和工具,包括图表库的使用、交互式可视化和数据探索等内容。
  28. 社交网络分析 (Social Network Analysis): 社交网络分析课程研究Java在社交网络分析领域的应用,包括社交网络结构分析、信息传播模型和社交网络挖掘等内容。
  29. 智慧城市技术应用 (Smart City Technology Applications): 智慧城市技术应用课程介绍Java在智慧城市建设中的应用,包括城市数据分析、智能交通系统和城市管理平台等技术。
  30. 医疗健康科技 (Medical Health Technology): 医疗健康科技课程研究Java在医疗健康领域的应用,包括健康数据管理、医疗图像处理和远程医疗系统等技术。
  31. 大规模数据处理 (Large-Scale Data Processing): 大规模数据处理课程介绍使用Java处理大规模数据的技术和方法,包括分布式计算框架、批处理和流处理等内容。
  32. 机器人技术与自动化 (Robotics and Automation): 机器人技术与自动化课程研究Java在机器人控制和自动化系统中的应用,包括机器人编程、运动规划和传感器集成等内容。
  33. 敏捷开发方法 (Agile Development Methods): 敏捷开发方法课程介绍使用Java进行敏捷开发的原则和实践,包括Scrum、XP和DevOps等敏捷方法的应用。
  34. 社交媒体分析 (Social Media Analysis): 社交媒体分析课程研究Java在社交媒体数据分析中的应用,包括文本挖掘、情感分析和用户行为分析等内容。
  35. 企业信息系统集成 (Enterprise Information System Integration): 企业信息系统集成课程介绍Java在企业信息系统集成中的应用,包括ESB、SOA和API管理等技术。
  36. 区块链智能合约开发 (Blockchain Smart Contract Development): 区块链智能合约开发课程研究Java在区块链智能合约开发中的应用,包括智能合约编写、部署和测试等内容。
  37. 人脸识别与图像处理 (Facial Recognition and Image Processing): 人脸识别与图像处理课程介绍Java在人脸识别和图像处理领域的应用,包括人脸检测、特征提取和图像增强等技术。
  38. 音频处理与语音识别 (Audio Processing and Speech Recognition): 音频处理与语音识别课程研究Java在音频处理和语音识别领域的应用,包括音频特征提取、语音识别模型和语音合成等内容。
  39. 医学图像分析 (Medical Image Analysis): 医学图像分析课程介绍Java在医学图像分析领域的应用,包括医学图像处理、图像分割和特征提取等技术。
  40. 深度学习应用开发 (Deep Learning Application Development): 深度学习应用开发课程研究Java在深度学习应用开发中的应用,包括深度学习框架、卷积神经网络和循环神经网络等技术。
  41. 大规模数据处理 (Big Data Processing): 大规模数据处理课程介绍Java在处理大数据时的技术和工具,包括分布式数据存储、批处理和流处理等内容。
  42. 物联网安全 (Internet of Things Security): 物联网安全课程研究Java在物联网安全领域的应用,包括物联网设备安全、通信安全和数据隐私保护等技术。
  43. 区块链安全与隐私 (Blockchain Security and Privacy): 区块链安全与隐私课程探讨Java在区块链安全与隐私保护方面的应用,包括智能合约安全、区块链身份验证和隐私保护技术等。
  44. 机器人技术 (Robotics): 机器人技术课程介绍Java在机器人领域的应用,包括机器人控制、感知与决策、运动规划和人机交互等技术。
  45. 虚拟现实与增强现实 (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality): 虚拟现实与增强现实课程研究Java在虚拟现实与增强现实领域的应用,包括虚拟现实技术、增强现实技术和交互设计等内容。
  46. 云安全与隐私保护 (Cloud Security and Privacy): 云安全与隐私保护课程探讨Java在云计算环境下的安全与隐私保护技术,包括数据加密、身份认证和访问控制等内容。
  47. 金融风控与合规技术 (Financial Risk Control and Compliance Technology): 金融风控与合规技术课程介绍Java在金融行业中的风险控制和合规技术,包括风险模型、合规监管和反欺诈技术等内容。
  48. 数字身份与安全技术 (Digital Identity and Security Technology): 数字身份与安全技术课程研究Java在数字身份管理和安全技术方面的应用,包括身份认证、权限管理和数据保护等技术。
  49. 网络安全分析与防御 (Network Security Analysis and Defense): 网络安全分析与防御课程介绍Java在网络安全领域的分析与防御技术,包括入侵检测、漏洞扫描和网络攻防实战等内容。
  50. 智能交通与智慧城市 (Intelligent Transportation and Smart City): 智能交通与智慧城市课程研究Java在智能交通系统和智慧城市建设中的应用,包括交通管理、智能交通信号控制和城市智能化管理等技术。

Java作业代写 优势

  1. 个性化学习:Java代写服务可以根据学生的学习进度和能力,提供个性化的学习计划和指导。代写员可以根据学生的需求,深入讲解复杂的概念,并帮助学生解决特定的编程问题。
  2. 实践项目:Java代写服务可能涉及实践项目,帮助学生将理论知识应用于实际编程中。通过实际编码和项目经验,学生可以更深入地理解Java编程,并提高解决问题的能力。
  3. 解答疑惑:学习Java编程过程中,学生可能会遇到各种问题和疑惑。Java代写服务可以及时解答学生的疑问,帮助他们克服学习难题。
  4. 提高编程技能:Java代写服务可以帮助学生提高编程技能和编码风格。代写员可以分享最佳实践,引导学生编写更高效、可维护的Java代码。
  5. 准备考试和竞赛:对于那些准备参加Java编程考试或竞赛的学生,Java代写服务可以提供针对性的备考指导和训练,帮助他们在考试或竞赛中取得更好的成绩。
  6. 拓展知识:Java代写服务不仅局限于课程范围,还可以拓展学生的Java知识。代写员可能会介绍学生一些高级主题和最新的Java技术,帮助他们了解更多Java编程的应用领域。
  7. 培养解决问题的能力:编程是解决问题的过程。Java代写服务可以培养学生的解决问题的能力,教导他们如何分析和解决实际编程难题。




Submit a single python file called a5.py The assignment is worth 10 marks. Part 1: Text Processing [10 marks] You will create a program that allows a user to spell-check and remove repeated words in a text file. The program will do the following: • Prompt the user for a text file to check (the filename) [called input file below] • Prompt the user for a text file of known words with correct spellings (the filename) • Read the contents of both files • Read the contents of a text file containing common mistakes (called common.txt) • Process the input file line-by-line o Prompt user to correct each mistake found on each line • Prompt the user for a new name to save the corrected document o Saves the updated document in the file o Updates commont.txt with any new common mistakes • Prompt the user to repeat with new files or quit the program Details of the program are illustrated in the following example run and specifications below. Suppose we have the text file (essay.txt) consisting of the following three lines: It was the best of times. It was the blurst of tims. Where does does the cat go from here? Suppose there is also a file called spell.txt which has a collection of words (one word per line, each spelled correctly). Running the program might look like the following (yellow is used to indicate user input) Note the submission filename change! Note time! COMP 1005/1405  Summer 2021 Fancy Spell-Checker File to check: essay.txt File with known words [enter for default]: spell.txt ——————– Processing essay.txt Line 2: the ‘blurst’ of (0) ‘blurst’ (1) ‘first’ (2) ‘blast’ (3) ‘fast’ (4) edit Option: 2 Line 2: of ‘tims’. (0) ‘tims’ (1) ‘times’ (2) ‘time’ (3) ‘lime’ (4) edit Option: 0 Line 3: Where ‘does does’ the (0) ‘does does’ (1) ‘does’ Option: 1 ——————– File to save updated document: new_essay.txt Hit enter to continue with another file or quit exit: quit After the program terminates, there will be a new text file (new_essay.txt) with the following three lines It was the best of times. It was the worst of tims. Where does the cat go from here? Here are some further details. 1. For each “problem” encountered, which is either a misspelled word or repeated word, the program displays which line number the problem occurred and shows a snippet of the text showing the problem. The snippet of text should include the word that comes before the problem (unless it is the first word) and the word that comes after the problem (unless it is the last word in the line). The problem should be inside quotes. 2. For each problem, some options for the user must be displayed. a. The option 0 is always to make no change. b. For misspelled words, a short list (3) of suggested corrections will be listed. The first suggested correction will come from the common.txt file (if word is present) and the rest (either 2 or 3 words) will be computed (see below for details). The last option will allow the user to manually enter the correction (edit). c. For repeated words, the second option (1) will be to remove one of the repeated words. 3. The common.txt file will have common spelling mistakes and the correct word. Each line consist of two words (with whitespace between them). The first word is the misspelled word COMP 1005/1405  Summer 2021 and the second word is the correct version of the word. For example, (correcting for Canadian vs American English), some lines in the file might be color colour neighbor neighbour 4. When processing a file, if the same mistake and correction occurs two (2) or more times, AND the correction does not appear in the common.txt file, then this correction should be added to the common.txt file (after the input file is processed). Note: we will not consider the scenario that the same word is corrected to different words (each multiple times). 5. The rest of the suggested words will be determined by finding words (from the collection of known correct words) that are “similar” to it. For this, you will compute a simplified Levenshtein distance (edit distance) between the misspelled word and every known correct word and choose from the words with smallest distance. The simplfied Levenshtein is defined as follows: simplified_lev(a :str, b : str) -> int simplified_lev(a,b) = max( len(a*), len(b*) ) where a* is what remains of the string a when removing all matching leading and trailing characters of a and b, and b* is what remains of the string b when doing the same. Here are some examples: a b a* b* simplified_lev(a,b) “abc” “abc” “” “” 0 “abc” “vwxyz” “abc” “vwxyz” 5 “abcxyz” “abqq” “cxyz” “qq” 4 “abc23xyz” “aWz” “bc23xy” “W” 6 “abcONE” “abc” “ONE” “” 3 “abcONE” “ANE” “abcO” “A” 4 “abXyz” “abXCATSwz” “y” “CATSw” 5 You must have a helper function ab_star(a : str, b:str) -> tuple where the returned value is a tuple (a*, b*) where a* and b* are as described above. For each word in the list of known words, you will need to compute simplified_lev() of that word and the misspelled word. From this, take any 2-3 (as needed) words with the minimal simplified Levenshtein distance. If you need 3 words and there are only 2 with the minimal COMP 1005/1405  Summer 2021 distance, take those 2 and 1 other with the next smallest distance. Note: You do not need to compute this for every known word. Notice that if len(a) = 3 and len(b) = 12, then 9 <= simplified_lev(a,b) <= 12. If a is the misspelled word, this suggests that you should stay computing the distances of all words with the same length as a first and if you find words with distance 1 then they are the best match. After checking all these words, look at words with length len(a) ±1, and then len(a) ±2, etc. You will eventually reach a point where checking longer (or shorter) words cannot possibly have a distance smaller than the minimal found so far. 6. Words will never be “broken” over a line in the input text files. 7. You are not required to find repeated words that cover two lines in the input (i.e., the first word is the last of one line and the repeated word is the first of the next line). 8. On any given line exactly one of the following will hold: (i) there will be one or more spelling mistakes, or (ii) there will be one or more repeated words, or (iii) there will be no spelling mistakes or repeated words. a. There will never be a spelling mistake AND a repeated word on the same line. b. Repeated words will never come in triples, or quadruples, or more. A repeated word will always be some word followed by itself (without punctuation) exactly once. So, you won’t be tested on anything like “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo”. 9. Your program should not “crash” if the user enters a bad filename (for example, a file that does not exist). Instead, it should ask the user for the filename again. (Use try/except) 10. If common.txt is not present, your code should still work without it. (If new common mistakes are found, your program should create a new file common.txt with your new common mistakes in it). The order of the common mistakes in common.txt does not matter. 11. Your ab_star function can use recursion if you wish. Write your program in a file called “a5.py”. Note: This question seems like it is asking for a LOT of things. Don’t try to write the entire solution in one go. Break the problem down into different tasks and attack each task one at a time. Writing good code is an incremental process. Get something working and then move ahead to the next task. Write out what you want to do on paper before you start writing code! Have a plan before you write your code. This will help you to spend much less time writing code. Suggestion: incremental steps will get you there faster! For example, I would start with ab_star, then work on simplified_lev, then a basic main function to get the user’s input and load the files, COMP 1005/1405  Summer 2021 then break down each line looking for misspelled words, then handling the misspelled words, etc. Recap [a5.py] Submit a single file called a5.py. This will contain at least THREE functions: the program driver (main()function), and your helper simplified_lev() and ab_star() functions. Note: Your simplified_lev and ab_star functions must be defined as def simplified_lev(a:str, b:str) -> int: # your code # returns some integer def ab_star(a:str,b:str) -> tuple: # your code # returns the tuple (a*,b*) We will test these two functions independent of your program by importing your a5 module and calling the functions (a5.simplified_lev(a,b) and a5.ab_star(a,b)) ‎

代写程序作业网站推荐!Data Structure代写案例



1. Failure to follow the instructions and rules may lead to failed test cases and/or a final grade of 0. 2. You can do this assignment individually or in a team of two. If you are doing it in a group, only one submission per group is required. For example: If Person A and B are in one group, only one person has to accept the assignment link and do the submission. Person A: upload all files (.txt, .c), group.txt. Person B: no submission required. For group assignment, submit a ” group.txt ” indicating the Github ids of each member. For example: if I am working with John in a group then group.txt will be as below: hazra.imran Johndoe 3. You may submit multiple times until the deadline. Grade penalties will be imposed for late submissions (see the course outline for the details). 4. Always plan before coding. 5. All the codes in this lab must be done using C language only. No other languages should be used. 6. Use function-level and inline comments throughout your code. We will not be specifically grading documentation. However, remember that you will not be able to comment on your code unless sufficiently documented. Take the time to document your code as you develop it properly. 7. We will carefully analyze the code submitted to look for plagiarism signs, so please do not do it! If you are unsure about what is allowed, please talk to an instructor or a TA.

Coding Rules
 You have to follow the file name as specified in the instructions. 
 Makefile : Makefile provides the following functionality:
 all : compiles your program (this is the default behavior), producing an
executable file named the same as the C file.
 clean : deletes the executable file and any intermediate files (.o, specifically)
 You will receive 0 if your makefile fails. 
 Check your build to ensure that there are no errors. 
 Visit TA's programming office hours to get help.

Background The Unix/Linux ls command is used to list files and directories in the file system. For this assignment you will be implementing a version of ls which supports only a limited set of options. Note : The format of the output od myls [options] [file list] should be EXACTLTY same as ls [options] [file lists] Note: Mac-OS’s ls is different; must develop under Linux. By completing this assignment, you will:

  1. Understand what an inode is, and understand its role in the Unix file system.
  2. Know how to use system calls to navigate the Unix file system from a user-level program.
  3. Understand how files and directories are organized and stored in Unix. Assignment requirements In this assignment, you will be creating a program named myls (short for MY List ). Your program should support below mentioned functionalities.
When calling the program, it will take the form:

./myls [options] [file list] [options] : Optional options from the list below. May be specified in any order or grouping, such as (none) , -i , -i -l -R , -iRl -R -li , -lR … [file list] : Optional space separated list of paths to files or directories to display. Options: Implement the following options (you need not support any other options, and you need not support the long version of the option names):

-i : Print the index number of each file
-l : Use a long listing format
-R : List subdirectories recursively. (Make sure that recursion must not cause any

infinite loop) The format of the output of myls [options] [file list] should be EXACTLTY same as ls [options] [file lists]

Sort : Sort the files and directories lexicographically. When printing directories recursively

(-R option), do a depth-first traversal of the directories, entering sibling directories in lexicographical order. Hint : Use ls -R to check your myls output. Both should be same.

Date Format : When using the -l option you must print out date information in the

following format: mmm dd yyyy hh:mm

For example:
Oct 2 2021 14:
Sep 30 2021 0 0 :
Specifically :

mmm Initial three characters of month name; first letter capitalized. dd Two digit day of month; pad with space ( ) for single digit day. yyyy Four digit year number; pad with spaces ( ) if less than 4 digits. hh Two digit hour (24 hour clock); pad with zero (0) if less than 2 digits. mm Two digit minute; pad with zero (0) if less than 2 digits. Special Paths You must support the following paths with special meaning (x and y are arbitrary names): / Root directory (when at the front of path of the path such as /usr) /x/y Absolute path to a file or directory /xy/ Absolute path to a directory x/y Relative path to a file or directory x/y/ Relative path to a directory ~ Users home folder (can be used such as ~ or ~/test/this/out )

. Current directory .. Up one directory (can be used such as ../ or ../../ oh / my /../ really/.. )

  • Wildcard (such as *.c); most of this work will be done by the shell! Simplifications vs built-in ls command Do not print the Total 123456 line at the top of the output when using the -l option. All options (if any) must be specified before any files/directories (if any). You do not need to support quoted strings as arguments: $ myls “thank goodness we dont/have to support this/” $ myls ‘it is like a “gift” not to do this!.txt’ $ myls ‘seemed like a good idea.c’ Error Handling You must display a meaningful error and exit when: User specified an unsupported option such as -a. It is undefined behavior if the user specifies an argument such as –version. You should display a message Error : Unsupported Option User specified a nonexistent file/directory.
The message should be Error : Nonexistent files or directories
 Test all permutations of the possible options, including no options at all.
 Test listing edge cases:
 on a file; on an empty directory; on a very large directory
 ls on different file types (normal, symbolic). Print the relevant data of what it is
pointing to or the link itself. Check stat() and lstat().
 Many Linux/Unix systems create an automatic alias for ls so that it automatically uses
some options.
 To see your current alias (if any) run:
$ alias ls
 To temporarily clear your alias for the current terminal, run:
$ unalias ls
 Example commands ( for easy reference)
 Initially concentrate on getting the listing for a directory correct; later worry about
 Focus on extracting the proper information and just printing it. Once you have that all
done work on making the format match the ls command.
 Consult the provided file infodemo.c and secret_hearder.h to see what calls to use to
get actual group and user names.
 Don't forget to test your code on directories with symbolic links in them.
 You may not use 3 rd^ party libraries. For example, you must write the path processing,
file listing, and directory recursion code yourself. Standard c libraries are allowed.
 You may not copy other people's code. If you are copying and adapting the code from
external sources, credit the source.
 Your code should make use of a modular design; try breaking your code into
meaningful modules and reasonable functions!
 You must implement sorting yourself (any O(n 2 ) or better  Algorithm OK).
You may not copy-and-paste sorting code from online; you may use any built-in
routines in either C or Linux which will sort. You can use alphasort().

Test Cases

  • Run the executable with all the combinations of iRl (-i, -l, -R, -lR, -iR, -il, -iRl) including without passing an of the options
  • Run the executable by passing a file or directory along with the (iRl) options
  • Place a subdirectory (with a few files) inside your original directory and test if the iRl options are working fine for the files inside the subdirectory.

Submission Instructions:

For A4, the concrete required deliverables are:

  • group.txt
  • myls.c file
  • Makefile

Grading Criteria

Correct make files + 10 Prints entries for a single file argument + Prints entries for a single directory argument + Prints entries for a multiple file argument + Prints entries for a multiple directory argument + Prints entries for mixed files and directories + Handles case when no file or directory given, and no options + Option -R with sort + Option -i + Option -l + Option combinations: -Ri, -Rl, -il, -Ril + Handles symbolic links properly. + Special paths + Error handling +

Data Structure代写常见问题


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A:由于Data Structure代写作业的具体类型较多,难度不一,我们需要通过上传作业,导师确认之后才能给出报价。系统上传作业都是免费的,导师报价都是可以自由选择,确认好导师,会先提供付款方式,系统会预扣,等收到答案确认满意之后,系统才会将费用支付给导师。





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Data Structure代写:常用编程语言

大多数汇编语言和某些底层语言(例如BCPL)都缺乏对数据结构的内置支持。另一方面,许多高级编程语言和某些高级汇编语言(例如MASM)对某些数据结构(例如记录和数组)具有特殊的语法或其他内置支持。例如,除了向量(一维数组)和多维数组之外,C(BCPL的直接后代)和Pascal语言还分别支持结构和记录。大多数编程语言都具有某种库机制,比如包括C ++标准模板库,Java Collections Framework和Microsoft .NET Framework。

现代编程语言通常还支持模块化编程,即库模块的接口与其实现之间的分隔。有些提供不透明的数据类型,这些数据类型允许客户端隐藏实施细节。比如C ++,Java,还有Smalltalk等。

Data Structure代写:常见数据结构


Linked lists

Linked list,即链表,是一个顺序数据结构。Linked list一般由相互链接的线性顺序项目序列组成,需要用户顺序访问数据,因此无法进行随机访问。链接列表可以更好而灵活的展示Dynamic set。Linked list一般包含以下几个部分:链表中的元素称为Node(节点)。每个节点都包含一个指向其后继节点(称为next)的Key和Pointer。Head指链接列表的第一个元素,链表的最后一个元素称为Tail。一般来说,Linked links有以下应用:
使用Alt + Tab(使用循环链表实现)的程序之间进行切换。

Stacks, 即堆栈,是一种LIFO(后进先出-最后放置的元素可以首先访问)结构,该结构通常在许多编程语言中都可以找到。这种结构之所以被称为“Stacks”,是因为它的数据结构很像真实生活的stacks,就是一种堆叠的结构。一般来说,Stacks的功能有以下几种:




Trees是一种数据层次结构,在trees中,数据按层次进行组织并链接在一起。此数据结构与链接列表不同,在链接列表中,项目以线性顺序链接,而trees的数据组织会有层次。在近几十年中,随着数据结构的发展,目前已经开发出各种类型的Trees,以适合某些应用并满足某些限制。比如binary search tree, B tree, treap, red-black tree, splay tree, AVL tree 和 n-ary tree。

Binary Trees:用于实现表达式解析器和表达式求解器。
Binary Search Tree:用于许多不断输入和输出数据的搜索应用程序中。

Data Structure代写介绍


Data Structure 代写介绍

数据结构是构造复杂软件系统的基础,也是CS学习的重点和难点之一。不少同学在学习数据结构的过程中找不到学习重点,也发现数据结构的学习充满挑战。不用担心,Cscodinghelp Data Structure 数据结构代写服务,集结北美顶尖学校CS学霸,为您解开数据结构的所有难题。

Cscodinghelp自成立以来,就致力于组建最强大的学术导师团队。Cscodinghelp与其他平台最大的不同在于,对所有导师的背景进行严格审核并公开,保证了同学能够全面了解导师的背景以及工作情况。每一位导师都会经过严格的背景审核以及岗前培训,同时,我们也会根据线上的评估系统对导师的工作进行定期考核,实时track导师的表现,优胜劣汰。我们的导师拥有多年CS代写经验,了解各个高校数据结构作业要求,为你提供最高质量的Data Structure数据结构代写服务。



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留学生essay/dissertation的data analysis怎么写?


data analysis代写很重要!好的数据分析代写都有这六个优点

data analysis数据分析是数据科学领域的一个分支;它是使用统计和逻辑技术检查原始数据的过程;在这个过程中,分析者需要进行大量的计算和公式运用;涉及到数学、统计、物理、化学等方方面面,故此,数学分析的应用领域也格外广泛;很多专业的课程作业都会要求留学生对收集来的各种数据用适当的方式进行分析汇总;这个过程庞大而耗时良久;其中也会涉及到各种各样的公式运算;也正是因为如此,专业的data analysis代写服务应运而生……

接下来,让我们一起来看看data analysis代写服务对于留学生而言有多重要!

一、data analysis代写是什么?
对于国外留学生群体而言,data analysis代写服务并不陌生;它们往往拥有庞大的data analysis代写专团队;能够以最快的速度帮助各位留学生在data analysis作业中取得高分。

近年来,data analysis代写服务机构在各地发展迅速;我们的data analysis代写已经有近10年的发展历程;旗下的data analysis代写专家储备数量近千,他们被安排在美国、英国、加拿大、新西兰等data analysis代写热门国家地区;近年来data analysis代写专家凭借出色的data analysis知识储备以及令人艳羡的英语写作能力,帮助过成千上万的留学生顺利完成data analysis代写作业;经过10年的发展壮大,Cscodinghelp早已成为data analysis代写机构中数一数二的存在。

二、data analysis代写的重要性!
data analysis数据分析虽然只是数据科学中的一堂课,在浩瀚的数据科学领域中微不足道,但是,数据分析的实用性却是极强的;国外院校大部分的商科专业例如:金融、计算机、统计、物理等在实验或修习中都要用到与数据分析相关的知识;故此,数据分析作业可以说是大量公式与计算的集合;完成难度可想而知;国外留学生课业繁重,自然不可能长期死磕data analysis作业;为保证自己的GPA;专业的data analysis代写代写服务是他们惟一的选择!那么,data analysis代写服务的重要性体现在哪些地方呢?

1、强大的data analysis代写专家储备
众所周知,强大的data analysis代写专家资质是保证data analysis代写机构可持续发展的先决条件;留学生在琳琅满目的data analysis代写机构中进行多方面考察时,data analysis代写专家的优秀程度能够增强他们对于代写机构的信任度;另外,强大的data analysis代写专家储备给了留学生更多的选择,是留学生data analysis代写高分的保障。

2、data analysis代写高分保障
诚如上文所言,专业的data analysis代写专家是留学生能够在data analysis作业中取得高分的重要条件之一;除了靠谱的data analysis代写专家,我们assignmenter机构对于data analysis作业的作业类型、评分方式都了如指掌;为留学生们提供高分的data analysis代写作业,是我们的基本服务目的。

3、data analysis疑难问题的解答
data analysis代写专家大多毕业于国外顶尖高校,他们各有所长,对于各个专业的data analysis作业都各有解决方式;我们会根据考生data analysis代写作业要求的不同而为他安排符合要求的data analysis代写专家,他们在帮助留学生取得data analysis作业高分之余,也能在课外帮助留学生解决关于data analysis的疑难问题;让留学生更快掌握data analysis的相关知识。

4、data analysis作业写作方式的了解
data analysis代写作业类型繁多;由于data analysis的应用广泛程度,很多专业在完成作业时都需要data analysis的加持,故此,不同的研究领域对于data analysis代写的写作方式、公式运用都是不相同的;data analysis代写专家对于这方面有详细的了解;留学生在他们的帮助下,可以快速适应国外对于data analysis作业的写作方式及思维模式,让留学生为独立完成data analysis作业打下基础。

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